New Client: Amanda Goodman

We are delighted to announce that Amanda Goodman has signed with The bks Agency, being represented by Joanna Kaliszewska.

Amanda Goodman is a graduate from Oxford University who became a BBC television news trainee and main presenter on BBC 1 for thirty years. She launched Cambridge’s flagship Look East programme and her documentary “Kindness of a Stranger” based on her exclusive story won two Royal Television Society Awards. After studying creative writing, and then theology at Cambridge University, Amanda was awarded a Royal Literary Fund grant to write her first novel. She adores crime drama and is working on a screenplay of a sensational news story she covered as a reporter. During the pandemic she gave up the buzz of journalism to become a hospital chaplain, ministering on the front-line 24/7 to patients dying of covid.

For enquiries relating to Amanda, please contact Joanna.